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(A note about clips: Many of my articles aren’t available online, but they’ll be uploaded here eventually. If you’re looking for something in particular, please email me.)
Review: Don’t Get Too Comfortable by David Rakoff [Newsday]
Review: Female Chauvinist Pigs by Ariel Levy [Newsday]
Review: Horse Heaven by Jane Smiley [Salon]
Review: Seasons of Her Life: A Biography of Madeleine Korbel Albright by Ann Blackman [Salon]
Review: On Parole by Akira Yoshimura [Salon]
Review: My Dark Places by James Ellroy [The Nation]
Interview: J.K. Rowling [Newsday]
Roundup: September 11 poetry anthologies [Newsday]
Review: Two books by Scott Dikkers: You Are Worthless and The Pretty Good Jim’s Journal Treasury [Salon]
Editorial: Borders Belabored, with Liza Featherstone [The Nation]
To be continued…