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Food issue, glorious food issue

Filed under: Pick of the Issue

So tasty. William Skidelsky in the New Statesman:

Two of the things I like most in life are food and the New Yorker magazine. So I am always delighted, come September, when the two are conjoined. The New Yorker published its first food issue just two years ago, but already it has acquired the feel of a long-established tradition. It says something about the magazine's lack of pretension that it is prepared to devote so much space to a subject which, for some, does not merit serious attention.

What is it about the New Yorker's food writing that appeals to me? I like, above all, its seriousness and straightforwardness. In Britain, despite our modish fascination with all things food-related, a faint whiff of embarrassment attaches to public discussions of the subject. There is still a sense that an interest in food needs to be apologised for, which explains our tendency to broach the subject through the prism of sex, celebrity or class.... Order another course.

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