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Bob Haynes writes in the Benton Country (Arkansas) Daily Record:
I’m not usually a reader of The New Yorker magazine. I don’t often even go to places where it can be found lying around. However, when my wife and I visit her doctor, the waiting room is filled with magazines with medical articles I don’t even understand, but once in a while, there it will be — shining out as though it were on fire and just yearning for me to pick it up — a copy of The New Yorker magazine.
I began to skim through it as I often do when picking up a magazine that I don’t own — looking for pages that someone else must have found provocative because they would dog-ear that page or those pages. The first such dog-ear I found was an article by Malcolm Gladwell called "The Cellular Church." It was an article about Rick Warren and Saddleback Church and the sub-title indicated that the article would point out "How Rick Warren’s congregation grew." After only reading the first two paragraphs, I was smitten. Feel the love; continued here.