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Remnick: "I Read Blogs"

Filed under: Headline Shooter

So he told the Boston Herald. But we already knew that. More reassuring news:

HERALD [Jesse Noyes]: A lot of veteran journalists will tell young people looking to get into the business don’t do it, find a different career, it’s not worth it. Are you one of those people?

REMNICK: No, I would never do that. I think it’s very hard, and we’re in the midst of a lot of systemic and technological change that’s causing a lot of people to get - let’s not be polite about it - fired or retired before their time. And I think that’s what they’re saying, that it’s a tough business. But I think if you are, if you have a hunger to do this work and maybe have a little talent, and you have drive, which is even more important, I couldn’t think of anything better. I’ve had a - you know, I’ve been very lucky. I totally admit that, but I’ve just had enormous fun. It’s been a great life. So how could I ever just talk anybody out of it?

Question mark at the end added by me, because why wouldn't there be a question mark there? It's a question! People with no hope left, sunk by cynicism, or possibly some Russians, ask questions ending in periods. Not Remnick, especially since he's being so optimistic here.

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