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Caitlin Flanagan and the News We Knew

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Flanagan will no longer be contributing to The New Yorker, a well-substantiated report heard around these parts some months ago. As you know, I’m not in the business of rumor-mongering, hence the non-mongering of said rumor. But I’m quietly, not meanly, glad. Flanagan’s not an idiot, but she doesn’t belong in The New Yorker. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Some days later: I think the official word is that she’s no longer on staff, but will still be contributing occasionally. I stand by my first post! And to the reader who wrote asking why I’d refrained from mongering, maybe I should address that in a separate post. Aren’t there enough media gossip sites? Not a rhetorical question, necessarily—I really want to know.


“She’s done the math, and it’s not really worth it for her,” said Benjamin Schwarz, Ms. Flanagan’s editor at The Atlantic. “She’s rewarded extremely handsomely for her book-writing, and no magazine can compete with that. Any work she’s doing for a magazine, she’s doing for charitable purposes.”

(Ah, TNY, my favorite charity case!)
Well, good day to her! I’m just grateful she wasn’t around in time to influence my impressionable mother into staying home, as I’d surely be wearing a very longsleeved jacket and living in a padded cell by now. )

Flanagan not an idiot? Well, I suppose there’s a better word for someone with her “ideas” and attitude—a word that I would also apply to Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and others of that ilk.

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