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Allen Shawn's Memoir, "Wish I Could Be There: Notes From a Phobic Life"

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From the Daily News today (link mine):
WISH I COULD BE THERE by Allen Shawn (Viking, $24.95). Shawn, a composer, writer and son of the legendary former editor of The New Yorker, William Shawn, suffers from both claustrophobia and agoraphobia - which means his fears mount both indoors and out. In a book that is a memoir as well as a scientific exploration of phobias, he searches his childhood and the workings of the brain for an understanding. His background was privileged but troubled and it seemed he is further betrayed by his neurophysiology. A must-read for the panic-prone.
I’m really looking forward to reading this. You should click on the Amazon link to, at the very least, admire Viking’s evocative, closed-in, subtly sad book-jacket design. If anyone knows who designed it—Amazon’s not letting me see inside the book—let me know. (Update: The book-jacket designer is Herb Thornby. Thanks, helpful reader-tipster!) “Wish I Could Be There” sounds like a play on “Wish You Were Here,” but it would seem to echo another book title, “Here But Not Here,” as well.

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