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Gladwell and His Mom, "About Alice," Mexicans and Marriage

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Malcolm Gladwell and Joyce Gladwell talk to the whip-smart, glamorous Debbie Millman for her addictive interview show, “Design Matters.” In another podcast, she interviews the justly celebrated typographer Tobias Frere-Jones, brother of Sasha.

This week in the Observer, my old Nation pal Lizzy Ratner has a terrific feature on Calvin Trillin, Alice Trillin, About Alice, and the pining for true companionship that their long romance has inspired.

On his Harvard Law blog, Philip Greenspun notes:
From the January 15, 2007 New Yorker magazine, page 54, in an article [“Expectations,” by Katherine Boo] on a poorly performing school in Denver, Colorado…. Norberto is a junior in high school. His “elder relations” advise him against college: “If you study too much, you forget to get married until you’re so old that nobody wants you.”
Commenter Melissa Gutierrez Crawford responds:
The advice against college in favor of marriage is very Mexican. My grandfather gave my sister a lot of guff when she announced she was going to complete her Master’s degree before marrying her long-time boyfriend because she wanted to have it done before starting a family. She stuck to her guns and had it her way; the only difference it made was that our younger cousin beat her to having kids, which is of dubious value since my sister and her husband are in a more secure living situation thanks in part to their level of education.

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