Emdashes—Modern Times Between the Lines

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Tony Scott (Emdashes rule of thumb: you only get to call them by their nickname if you can say it to their face) writes in the Times today, regarding Frank O’Hara, kids (in particular, his own lucky moviegoing snappers), and the moving pictures (link mine—think the Times would go around linking to a story in The New Yorker for easy reference?):
According to this vision, children are leading the slow exodus from the theaters. From an essay in the current issue of The New Yorker, for example [“Big Pictures”], one learns that, when it comes to visual entertainment, kids these days are “platform agnostic,” perfectly happy to consume moving pictures wherever they pop up — in the living room, on the laptop, in the car, on the cellphone — without assigning priority among the various forms. David Denby, the author of the article and one of The New Yorker’s film critics, is an unapologetic adherent to the old-time religion, as am I, and his survey of the current technological landscape is colored by nostalgia for the old downtown movie palaces and the studio system that fed them.
Of course, as Mr. Denby acknowledges, children have hardly disappeared from the movie audience. On the contrary, adolescents and their younger siblings are the most sought-after segments of the demographically segmented universe of potential viewers. The movies that make the most money, and therefore those on which the most production and advertising money is spent, are the ones that simultaneously reach down into the primary grades and up into the ranks of young adults. Cont’d.
Here’s O’Hara’s poem “Ave Maria” (from Plagiarist.com), should you want to read it, which you do.


Film bloggers have gone nuts on old Denby. I gave it a lick and a promise, but included links that link to links that …

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