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For Lovers of Sassy, an Entire Issue

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From GetTrio, the source of that mesmerizing James Laughlin and Brendan Gill video earlier this month, this welcome news for Sassy appreciators of all micro-generations:
Fashionista.com has scanned in the entire November 1992 issue of Sassy. Sure, there were snaps of the hunks from Beverly Hills, 90210, but…a cheat sheet of "all the cool women running for congress"? A rundown of the 7 "most innovative colleges" in America? It was big stuff in 1992 — and a far cry from the current CosmoGIRL! fare ("Rate your prom date!" "Are you addicted to kissing?").


I wish I’d known about Sassy while I was becoming nauseated by the glossies instead! However, I can say the lowbrow idiot glossies made me what I am NOT today.

Um. Confession. I threw out all my old Sassys (they WERE cut to shreds) when I moved.

I have maybe half a dozen issues, and I’m keeping them forever! But if I’d had a whole set, it might have been a harder decision. I try not to have a Magazine Collection, though it’s hard to throw away the oldest ones and the ones with sentimental value. I’ve got a few classic Spys, some vintage and/or personally meaningful New Yorkers (but I’m trying to keep it under ten or twenty, tops) a ’60s Monocle, a very nice issue of Ezra Pound’s literary magazine The Exile, a few really excellent ’50s and ’60s movie magazines that unpack the whole Elizabeth Taylor/Debbie Reynolds/Eddie Fisher thing in extreme detail.

And…let’s see, some Mights, and a couple of the earliest issues McSweeney’s, though you don’t want to go too crazy saving that kind of thing. Hey, Dave Eggers, I know how you can raise money; put the first ten years on DVD! Really! I’d buy it. I bet he’s already doing that, too.

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