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Request to Readers Fluent in Japanese

Filed under: The Squib Report   Tagged: ,

A Japanese magazine called Courrier Japon printed a photograph that I took of David Remnick during the New Yorker Conference in May. It appears in the October 2008 issue. The article is written by likely Englishman documented Irishman Trevor Butterworth.

I can't read Japanese. Perhaps someone who can could have a look at the text and give us a very brief indication of its contents? We'd appreciate it!

Update: In a comment, the author himself writes in to explain that it is a Financial Times article in translation. Here is the original, it is well worth a look! It is that rare combination of informational and witty that only Irish journalists laboring for the FT ever attain with regularity. The original photo, by Lorena Ros, is far superior to mine.


Hi, the article is an abridged version of my interview with David Remnick for the Financial Times:


And for the record, I’m Irish!



Oops, sorry! And a job well done, too! I have updated the original post.

Thanks for writing in, and clearing all that up! I read that story when it came out, and enjoyed it very much. The food commentary was a lovely touch.

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