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Twitter Your Way Through the Festival!

Filed under: New Yorker Festival   Tagged: ,

For this year's New Yorker Festival, we're going to try a little experiment, and it will work a lot better if some of you join in. We want to have a special Emdashes Twitter dedicated to the New Yorker Festival.

If you are not acquainted with this micro-blogging technique, I recommend that you learn about it at the Twitter website. The essence of it is like writing a blog that consists of text messages. People can post messages of 140 characters or fewer to a blog from their cellphones (and also from a browser). Here's a look at Jason Kottke's Twitter.

Our goal is to have people attending events at the Festival contribute spontaneous "tweets," or messages, and have them appear on a common page accessible to everybody. There's a minor difficulty that most people will be doing this from a cellphone, and user cellphones have a strong tendency to default to their own Twitters. For users in the United States, the number to dial from your cellphone is 40404.

There is a service called Twemes that makes it easier to aggregate messages from multiple people onto a single Twitter. It's very clever—users exploit the pound (#) sign to create a kind of tag that they append to the start of each message. So all users have to do is send a tweet as they normally would, but put the string "#nyfest" at the front. If that tag is there, the message will end up on this tweme page.

It's as simple as that.

Emily's username is (what else?) Emdashes, and mine is wovenstrap.

So if on Festival weekend, you see Stephen Colbert call David Remnick "papa bear" or witness Clint Eastwood gun down some muggers, Twitter it (after calling 911) by typing #nyfest!

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