Emdashes—Modern Times Between the Lines

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A Web Comic: The Wavy Rule


The New Yorker has put up several videos from the New Yorker Festival:

Elizabeth Edwards, hosted by Atul Gawande

Political Humor, with Samantha Bee, Andy Borowitz, James Downey, John Oliver, and Allison Silverman, hosted by Susan Morrison

If I Were Running This Campaign, with Donna Brazile, Alex Castellanos, Edward J. Rollins, and Joe Trippi, hosted by Jeffrey Toobin

Young Shakespeareans, with Lauren Ambrose, Ethan Hawke, Kristen Johnson, Martha Plimpton, and Liev Schreiber, moderated by Adam Gopnik

And the Campaign Trail podcast is featuring the audio of the “Campaign Trail” Festival event, with Ryan Lizza, George Packer, and Hendrik Hertzberg, moderated by Dorothy Wickenden

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