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Jonathan Taylor writes:
There's plenty of Malcolm Gladwell to go around these days, so I might not have singled out a recent BBC Radio 3 Night Waves podcast (mp3 here. Update: Not anymore, although it seems still possible to get the episode by subscribing to the podcast) with an interview of him, if it didn't have another segment of New Yorker interest: a really perceptive discussion of Saul Steinberg by British illustrator Quentin Blake, best known to many for his gleeful collaborations with Roald Dahl. The occasion is a Steinberg exhibition going on at London's Dulwich Picture Gallery.
.mp3 not here.
Sorry about that! It really was there this morning. It seems that perhaps they keep the files available only for a limited time, although it seems to still be possible to get that episode if one subscribes now to the podcast—not totally sure though. (I have heard a number of great shows on this podcast, including a lecture by director Mike Figgis called, “Is There Too Much Culture?”)
Wonderful! I love Blake’s work!