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Gawande for Secretary of Health and Human Services?

Filed under: The Squib Report   Tagged: , , ,

Martin Schneider writes:

Obama's nomination for HHS Secretary, Tom Daschle, is withdrawing his name from consideration. Not good news for supporters of comprehensive health care reform. But who will replace him? The name of Howard Dean, a medical doctor, has been mentioned. Ezra Klein is supporting Atul Gawande. I'd support that too. I'm totally starting that rumor, based on no information at all.

Not for nothing, but a few years ago, I reviewed Gawande's book Better in Publishers Weekly, and I wrote that "one suspects that once we cure the ills of the health care system, we'll look back and see that Gawande's writings were part of the story." And nothing would make that prediction more likely than his joining the Obama administration.

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