Emdashes—Modern Times Between the Lines

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Martin Schneider writes:

I have the vague impression that the magazine's newfound interest in its blog section has not penetrated the awareness of its audience, as much as one might hope. There has been a lot of activity over there since about Thanksgiving; there's terrific writing there every single day, and you should check it out. Hence this recurring feature.

Also: Comments! Some of these blogs accept comments. Steve Coll's "Think Tank" accepts them, Richard Brody's "Front Row" accepts them, and George Packer's "Interesting Times" accepts them. New terrain, indeed!

So go over and make those writers feel good—everyone appreciates a little feedback. And more to the point, make the magazine feel good about its decision to give you a voice!

As always, I'll be putting this little message in front of the roundup: (This content is taken directly from the left nav bar on the magazine's website.)

Steve Coll on why energy efficiency matters in a time of war.

Evan Osnos puts himself in Richard Nixon's shoes.

The Front Row: Danny DeVito will tell the story of "Crazy Eddie."

Hendrik Hertzberg revisits election results and reaches a conclusion.

News Desk: Grown men, in unfamiliar places, can do strange things.

James Surowiecki asks what it means to bury a bank.

George Packer praises a civil servant helping Iraqi refugees.

Sasha Frere-Jones finds his soulmate.

The Book Bench: Generation twit, is Joan Acocella a vampire?

The Cartoon Lounge: Warren Miller draws man's best friend, playing dead, one million dogs.

Goings On: U2 disappoints fans, guess the name of Rihanna and Chris Brown's duet.

Ask the Author: Submit a question to the editor the Style Issue, Susan Morrison.

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