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The Economist Presents "View of the World from ... Chang'an Street"?

Filed under: Seal Barks   Tagged: ,

Martin Schneider writes:

Twitter user Michael Aphibal (michaelaphibal) makes an astute point about this week's cover of The Economist:

Look at the cover of #TheEconomist (3/21-27/2009) The New Yorker sued Columbia Pic for imitating something similar http://tinyurl.com/2q2ybk

Good point, Michael! I'd forgotten all about Steinberg v. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (Steinberg won the case.)

So many questions! Does a news organization have more latitude on copyright infringement than a movie studio? (I'd wager yes.) Does it matter that The Economist operates out of Great Britain? Can the Saul Steinberg estate sue a British entity? (Is it inclined to?) Anyone who has seen the issue, do they credit Steinberg anywhere?

And finally, what do you think of the cover? Do you think it's clever?

Update: Strange Maps supplies a larger view, in which one can see (as the post points out) that the image contains a billboard on the Imperial Palace with the following text: "With Apologies to Steinberg and The New Yorker." So Steinberg is credited. Thanks to Strange Maps for the informative post.


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