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Infinite Summer: Location 868

Filed under: The Squib Report   Tagged: , ,

Martin Schneider writes:

Note: I'm participating in Infinite Summer, the widespread Internet book project dedicated to reading David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest. For more information, consult my introduction. My strategy has been to avoid lengthy commentary but instead list quintessentially Wallacean vocabulary and note other oddities, including Kindle typos.

That number, 868, sounds impressive, but Kindle users will recognize it as a shamefully low number (all of Infinite Jest has 25,756 locations). Anyway, this isn't an update on my reading (coming soon!), it's a report of an interesting link.

One of my favorite bloggers, Kevin Drum (with whom we've interacted fruitfully before), currently of Mother Jones, formerly of The Washington Monthly, weighed in on Infinite Summer from the perspective of someone who devoured the book a decade ago, and won't be doing it again. Not that he didn't like the book, he really did, a lot.

He links to his original thoughts, written in 1997 and only mildly spoileriffic.

Question: He notes that in 1997, Infinite Jest was one of the few books that had its own website. Today, it's 404. What's up with that, Little, Brown? That's literary malpractice!

Update: Apparently it was 404 as early as 1999.

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