Emdashes—Modern Times Between the Lines

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Martin Schneider writes:

A new issue of The New Yorker comes out tomorrow. It's a double issue. A preview of its contents, adapted from the magazine's press release:

In "The Kill Company," Raffi Khatchadourian chronicles a military mission in Iraq that led to the deaths of eight Iraqis, and examines the role that violent rhetoric may have had in encouraging the soldiers' deadly use of force. The killings, which occurred during Operation Iron Triangle, in May, 2006, suggest "a grave problem within the chain of command," Khatchadourian writes.

In "The Contrarian," Ryan Lizza talks to Sheila Bair, the head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, about her recent debates with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner over the Obama Administration's reform proposals for regulating the banking industry.

In Comment, Hendrik Hertzberg explores the Obama Administration's stance on gay rights.

In The Financial Page, James Surowiecki looks at how a Consumer Financial Protection Agency could affect consumers.

In Shouts & Murmurs, Yoni Brenner imagines Justice Clarence Thomas's dreams as he dozes on the bench.

Ariel Levy profiles writer-director Nora Ephron.

Malcolm Gladwell reviews Chris Anderson's new book, Free: The Future of a Radical Price.

Alex Ross takes in a day of performances during the Make Music festival.

Nancy Franklin watches the new HBO series Hung.

Peter Schjeldahl visits the James Ensor retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.

David Denby reviews Public Enemies and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

There is a short story by Lorrie Moore.

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