Emdashes—Modern Times Between the Lines

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Emily Gordon writes:

So, my dad sent me this very funny—funny for nerds, which is us—link to the corrections to Sarah Palin’s speech by the Vanity Fair literary editor and the magazine’s copy and research departments. (Martin’s already noted it, because he’s quick on the draw that way.)

I sent it on to my dear friends and former employers at The Nation’s copy department, as I am wont to do, and my fleet former boss, Roane Carey, now the magazine’s managing editor, wrote back with this quotable observation, which, with his permission, I quoth:
I can’t wait to read this, but I also thought parts of Hertzberg’s leader in the latest New Yorker were hilarious—comparing, in sober, reflective language, Palin’s resignation speech with that of the Founders: “And, indeed, her speech had echoes of the document signed in Philadelphia two hundred and thirty-three years and one day earlier.” Hertzberg cites Jefferson on political change, then quotes Palin (unintelligible, of course) on same. More fun than a barrel of monkeys.
I agree. And while I’m sure Hertzberg is as big a Dylanophile as anyone, I wonder if the Talk’s inspired epigraph originated with his boss, since I’ve heard he’s a low-key, Sunday sort of fan o’ Bob.

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