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Walter Cronkite, 1916-2009

Filed under: In Memoriam   Tagged: , , ,

Martin Schneider writes:

I think the people who do Emdashes are uniformly too young to remember Cronkite in the role that made him such a ubiquitously admired figure. Speaking for myself, to watch Dan Rather chafe so uncomfortably in the role he inherited was to witness the most palpable sign of Cronkite's distinction.

Every year, on January 1, the New Year's Concert, consisting mostly of waltz masterpieces, is broadcast worldwide from Vienna. I watch it most years. For as long as I can remember, Cronkite was the host for the American telecast, and he did a really good job every year. For someone who was supposed to represent "everyman" in some way, he did "high culture" awfully well too. In a way, he embodied the best of America, a sentiment I'm sure we'll be hearing plenty of in the days to come.

Judging from the archive, The New Yorker never really did a big Cronkite article. Perhaps I missed it. My guess is that he perhaps got very entrenched as a national icon a little too quickly, making a Profile almost irrelevant. As with Michael Jackson, The New Yorker generally approached Cronkite obliquely, in reviews, casuals, and cartoons.

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