Emdashes—Modern Times Between the Lines

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Festival Link: Rumpus Chronicler Must Know Shorthand

Filed under: New Yorker Festival   Tagged: , , ,

Martin Schneider writes:

It's not easy to out-Festival Emdashes—I always thought that I took the most exhaustive notes of anybody bar Rachel Sklar—but dang if Rozalia Jovanovic of The Rumpus didn't display as much enthusiasm, interest, and wit as a pack of Emdashers.

Her exquisitely detailed account of five New Yorker Festival events is a must-read for anyone who wants to relive or vicariously soak in the events of that wonderful weekend. Her use of full names at every conceivable juncture is mesmerizing and hilarious.

The papercut illos by Sybille Schenker are a perfect supplement to the text.


This is indeed riveting. Who knew there is something so deflationary about the repeated use of a person’s full name?

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