Emdashes—Modern Times Between the Lines

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A Web Comic: The Wavy Rule


The Wavy Rule, a Daily Comic by Pollux: Dashes

Filed under: The Wavy Rule   Tagged: , , , , , ,


Click on the image for a detailed view! Yes, I’ve made most of these up. Thirteen out of nineteen of these dashes are made up. I love punctuation; there should be more of it. Invented dashes include the spearlette, the lunghezza, the pfeife, the magnus, the minimus, the Flying Betty, the ep dash, the equerre, the ack, the pernix, the hoist, the javelin, and the contatore.


Does that mean you made up Dashes A thru M?

Everything after Underscore is fictional.

Oh, I know, I was just making a lame M Dash pun.

It was a good pun. I just have a bad brain.

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