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Martin Schneider writes:
Today The New Yorker posted information about the New Yorker Summit ($350, May 5) on its website. (We had the basics for you yesterday.)
This seems an important bit of business: Tickets go on sale March 23, but you can pre-register. Here's the text, straight from the horse's mouth: "Tickets go on sale March 23rd at 12 noon E.T. You can pre-register now by calling 212-286-5753 or e-mailing"
Yesterday we reported that Robert Shiller, Malcolm Gladwell, Richard Holbrooke, Geoffrey Canada, Neera Tanden, Howard Dean, and Nassim N. Taleb were on the bill. Today we learn that the attendees also include: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Esther Duflo, David Kilcullen, Naomi Klein, Robert Kuttner, Jeffrey Sachs, and R. James Woolsey. New Yorker-affiliated people to take part include John Cassidy, Malcolm Gladwell, Elizabeth Kolbert, Ryan Lizza, Jane Mayer, David Remnick, and James Surowiecki.
New Yorker description:
With a new President in office, our country is in a period of immense challenges, from unprecedented economic tumult to a worldwide environmental crisis. With more at stake than at any time in recent memory, we are compelled to put forward new solutions and new thinking.
In this spirit, The New Yorker Summit: The Next 100 Days will gather economic heavyweights and national-policy voices to look at the formative days of the new Administration, and to explore what lies ahead in the next hundred days. The event will feature a keynote address by the New Yorker staff writer Malcolm Gladwell, the author of "The Tipping Point" and "Outliers."
Program Schedule
Programming will begin at 9 A.M. and conclude at 6 P.M. Breakfast and lunch will be included.
Skirball Center for the Performing Arts
New York University
566 LaGuardia Place
at the corner of LaGuardia Place and Washington Square South
Tickets are $350 (breakfast and lunch included). Tickets go on sale March 23rd at 12 noon E.T. To pre-order your tickets and for more information, call 212-286-5753.