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Emily Gordon writes:
I haven’t done any link roundups in a while, but here are a few I think you’ll dig as we all gear up, from near and from far, for The New Yorker Festival. This post is also a celebration of some writer friends whose preoccupations often collide with mine:
My friend and Print contributing editor Bill Kartalopoulos comments on R. Crumb’s new Biblical epic.
My friend and thug-thumping Wisconsin labor advocate Dustin Beilke interviews the great Lorrie Moore for The Onion’s AV Club. I reviewed her terrific new book, A Gate at the Stairs, for Newsday.
I can’t get enough of posts about the typography in Mad Men. These are already classics: my friend and content-strategist-about-town Andrew Hearst on the “jarring anachronism” of using Arial in the end credits; and Mark Simonson, designer and type designer, on—well, just read it. Featuring a cameo by our beloved Gill Sans.
And this isn’t exactly New Yorker-related, but Sophie Pollitt-Cohen, my favorite former babysat child (we need to coin a word for this) and frighteningly bright daughter of Katha “Learning to Drive” Pollitt and Randy “The Ethicist” Cohen (who are contributors), has a very funny new Huffington Post piece up about “comic books inspired by verse.” Speaking of being inspired by verse, happy birthday, Katha, far away in Berlin but always close to my thoughts!